Autism Treatment Options

If you are looking for the treatment options for your child, then this article will put some light on the treatment options for autism that are currently available.

The following are some of the options that are used for treating autism:
  1. Homeopathy
  2. Nutritional Intervention
  3. Therapy
  4. Stem Cell treatment (Still under research)
  1. Homeopathy: It is complete holistic treatment form which is based on sound principles and has been practised across the world and India. India is the epicentre for Homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines have the capacity to bring in the positive change in the child and help in improving the comprehension, sitting capacity, cognitive skills, handling the behavioural issues to name a few. Also, Homeopathic medicines can be given easily and are free from side effects. While selecting your Homeopath be sure that he has enough time to deal with children who are on the autism spectrum disorder and he has experience in the field of autism.

  2. Nutritional Intervention: Dietary intervention for autism helps in dealing with the challenges parents and caregivers face in dealing with various issues related to eating. Thus, preventing nutritional deficiencies in them along with improvement in the areas of comprehension, cognition, hyperactivity etc. There is a theory of leaky gut syndrome that the food which is broken down naturally into metabolites and absorbed in blood, instead due to this leaky gut the molecules of protein such as gluten and casein are absorbed directly in the blood. These absorbed proteins travel to the brain and may cause inflammation which can lead to symptoms of autism. Thus, a gluten free casein free diet is recommended to them under expert guidance. When a GFCF diet is followed one should make sure that it is replaced by other nutritional diet options to prevent deficiencies.

  3. Therapy:
    1. Occupational Therapy
    2. Speech therapy
    3. Applied behaviour analysis also known as ABA therapy
    4. Sensory Integration therapy
    5. Behaviour therapy
    6. Art and play therapy
    7. Music therapy

  4. Stem Cell treatment: The effectiveness of stem cell therapy is strongly doubted in Autism. It is still in the research stage. In many countries stem cell therapy for Autism is banned. In India clinical trials are carried under the guise of Autism treatment by stem cell therapy as there is no particular body or law to regulate stem cell research.

An Integrated treatment approach with Homeopathy, Nutrition and Therapies has shown tremendous potential and results in treating Autism.